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Juergen Kluge5414 days ago
Kluge joined McKinsey in 1984 in Düsseldorf. He was elected partner in 1989 and director in 1995. Today, he is based in Düsseldorf and became German Office Manager, effective January 1999.
Kluge is a member of the firm's shareholder council, and also was a member of several other of the firm's committees. More recently, he functions as the head of McKinsey's worldwide "Knowledge Committee," responsible for ensuring sufficient investments in McKinsey's R&D and setting aspirations for, and measuring the impact of, internal knowledge-building and dissemination efforts. He is also responsible for the recruiting in the German Office complex.
He has co-written books such as "Einfach überlegen/Simplicity Wins" and "Wachstum durch Verzicht/Shrink to Grow." Recent publications include "Wissen entscheidet/Knowledge Unplugged," "Die Zukunft der Bildung (The Future of Education, with Holm Keller)," "Schluss mit der Bildungsmisere � Ein Sanierungs konzept," and most recently "Wirtschaftsmacht Europa (Economic Power Europe),� published in October