Google is now offering a premium search service to subscribers willing to pay $9.95 per month. The service called "Find Anything" allows users to not only find information on the Internet, but also in the real world as well.
One of the most touching success stories of the new service has been Kyle Ferguson who had long since given up hope. Kyle who was adopted when he just 3 weeks old has been searching for his mother for 27 years. "I just typed in 'mom' and it came up with two entries. One was a Thai restaurant but the other was my biological mother!"
Few months ago i wanted to link to 'Skinned Monkey', a shot from one of my favourite impressionistic, modern-day photographers,
Nick Knight, which was featured in
i-D's twentieth anniversary book. Didn't find it and was too lazy to scan. Well, here it is:
Skinned MonkeyAward:
Dazed and Confused is a pretty promising competitor in the Longestlastingpromisingsemiunderconstruction Category. More than two years of waiting now...