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The "keep on makin' mistakes, just to keep on learnin'" adoration and sermoning period was once again about to abate and folky female vocals something i loathed since Beth Gibbons' solo album came out. And then, it took one song: Bugge Wesseltoft & Sidsel Endresen Track: Try" welchen theoretischen Mitteln man sich der Bewältigung eines alltäglichen Lebens nähern kann, das seine Fortsetzung aus der Summe kleineren und grö�eren Scheiterns gewinnt. Jede Intelligenz kompensiert einen Zusammenbruch. Ein Konzern, eine Ehe, eine Schlacht oder eine Wahrnehmung sind nur möglich, weil sie immer wieder von neuem versuchen, Probleme zu lösen, die nicht zu lösen sind." Vom Nutzen ungelöster Probleme; Dirk Baecker und Alexander Kluge. Give me a fucking break: Die deutschsprachige Version von The Insider. " The economy, argued Parsons and Smelser is a 'differentiated sub-system of a more inclusive social system.' Conventional neoclassical economics could, Parsons believed, quite appropriately be applied to that sub-system. The technical core, so to speak, of the workings of market economies was the business of economists, not of sociologists [...] investigate the capacity of arbitrage to eliminate price discrepancies and thus maintain the boundary between 'the social' and 'the economic.' That investigation, in contrast, is the goal of this paper." Long-Term Capital Management and the Sociology of Arbitrage via D�D " For weeks, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt every Friday..." Sorry, but further comments are disabled for this post.