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Monday, February 16, 2004
Attired by the beauty of what can be summarized as semantic technologies. Or non-linearity. Texts read, films watched, business documents, myriads of more specific examples, they serve their intended purpose if you cosume them from the beginning to end. The space between synchronous realtime communication and traditional narratives is vibrating so much that two month ago i decided to stop all gainful application until my bank sends men in black suits or i get something working. And yes, it's strong. Hypertext, Hypermedia, Graphs, Blogosphere. Brilliant people that help myself to grow a bit and still remain incredibly tiny, you know who you are; the cross disciplinarity, no matter from with perspective you look at things, it leverages all the others; meetings with sociologists, linguists, developers, all on one day, soon all together; the feeling of being impressed by things happening, huge, much more than the usual small moment a day. Random selection of wonderful things that, when scribbled down, look like a mesh of loosely interconnected things:

Vanilla more than ever, combining weblogs with wikis and all the power behind it, the A4 print of the KVanilla source code hanging in Chris' office corridor will find it's place in a museum.

The 4 literates, 2 honorary: Vannevar Bush's As We May Think is one of the smartest documents for modern technology, and its nearly 60 years old. Ted Nelson and his Xanadu Vision, another early bird. Tim Berners-Lee, picking up Hypertext, making it and therefore the revolution real. Paul Ford of Ftrain, cutting edge technologies, using it so smooth and transparent for the user.

"the students are working with the Korsakow System, a program to create nonlinear, interactive projects. the Korsakow System was invented by florian thalhofer in 2000 for the making of the nonlinear documentary the [korsakow syndrome]. is being improved an developed by prof. willem velthoven and florian thalhofer with the help of the students and participants of the long term project interactive narration. This could easily be tweaked to create a video-wiki and thus a real nonlinear narrative video tool. Download, for Mac and Windows.

Tom Fürstner, asking him to write down a few sentences and getting gems like this: "On that basis emerges a preliminary Network Enterprise definition: The specific form, whose system of instruments is being constituted by the partial overlapping of autonomic systems of purposes."
1 comments yet by la fleur.
  Comment by [create la fleur], 7553 days ago:
seems you are alive again.

sadly still ... i had to realise that sometimes you have to say goodbye to a friend; sometimes we got to to that forever it seemed and still does.
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Those Memes Are Free (2000 - 2004); This Is A Vanilla Site!